Nature »
The nature of the North is very various. 100-150 years ago differed from the modern one. Forest massive was not disforested and even on the coast of the Kola bay century old pines grew. Event in the end of XIX century whales visited the Bay. Water in the rivers was very pure, famous northern pearls could be found there. Rivers were rich in fish, forests were rich in gamebirds.
Man caused waste ground nearby the "Severonickel" plant |
Man caused impact
As a result of the activity in some industrial districts of the region lead to essential pollution of nature environment. The main sources of pollution are metallurgical copper nickel plants, some mining enterprises, agricultural plants and objects of municipal economy. As a result of teh activity of enterprises of industry the total square of polluted lands makes about 19 250 square kilometers.
Man caused waste ground nearby the "Severonickel" plant |
Nuclear and radiation safety
Active development of military and civil atomic fleet, building of the nuclear power station on the Kola peninsula, usage of different resources in national economy resulted in the appearance of problems of storage of irradiated nuclear fuel and radioactive wastes. These problems became more topical because of the ageing of vessels, cutting down of the Northern Fleet and deactivating of battle content of nuclear submarines.
Tourism, hunting, fishing, picking of berries and mushrooms without keeping of elementary riles of behaviour can cause damage and cause damage to delicate nature of the North. Variety of nature landscapes, fishery lakes and rivers, forests and tundra give us wonderful possibilities for the rest. It is very important to save it and use reasonably for future generations.