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Administrative-territorial system »
Address: Stroitelnaya St., 52, Olenegorsk, 184533
Tel. 8-(81552) 58-076
Fax 8-(81552) 51-600
Chief magistrate of Olenegorsk is Serduk Nickolay Leonidovich |
Olenegorsk was founded in 1949. The population of the town is about 37,9 thousand people. The town is the centre of iron ore industry in Zapolyarye. Large deposits of iron ore of a very high quality were discovered here and they were precondition for the creation of Olenegorsk Ore Dressing plant (PC "Olkon").
On the territory of the town you can find:
Eight comprehensive schools and one elementary school-kindergarten (4633 people);
Boarding school (133 people.);
Six pre-school comprehensive institutions (1255 people);
Three institutions of additional education of children (2975 people);
Children's home (50 people);
Professional technical college;
Branch of Khibiny college;
Musical and art schools;
Two art schools;
Eight municipal libraries, united in the central library system;
Youth lessor centre "Polar star";
The palace of culture "Gornyak";
Training sport centre;
Central municipal hospital (with stationary and maternity hospital);
Museum of local lore and history.
In winter people come here to ski, there are two ski-slopes with lifts to the top are close to the Laplandiya Holiday Centre.